vogel marketing solutions

What is One-on-One Marketing?

The concept is as old as commerce itself, when shopkeepers would deal personally with their customers -- one-on-one. In modern business times, this concept of one-on-one marketing was advanced by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers in their 1994 book, The One to One Future.


At Vogel Marketing Solutions, we employ this concept through the integration of email marketing, social media and Internet marketing. This strategy includes:

  • Data mining: we help inventory all sources of useful data, coalesce that data into a single Master Database, analyze the records and make recommendations on leveraging this valuable resource. Learn about our List Management Services >>
  • Segmentation: each target audience has different triggers, so we help you split markets by a potentially infinite number of variables to ensure they receive relevant messaging.
  • Message development: following that segmentation and analysis, we help you create relevant, personalized and timely marketing communications.
  • Message delivery: we can help manage your one-on-one marketing campaigns, to ensure the right message is delivered to the right person at the right time in the right way.
  • Integration: every person, place and thing at your company is a marketing outlet. We identify all on- and off-line opportunities and help integrate them into a closed-loop system. No silos.


Contact us for more information: 
Mark@VogelMarketing.net or 717.368.5143

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